Plans prepared to show Unit 11 of 16,592 (inc 1,508 sqft mezz office) sqft GIA and Unit 12 of 23,028 (inc 2,093 sqft mezz office) sqft GIA.
Or alternatively an amalgam of both buildings to provide a unit of approximately 40,000 sqft GIA (plus mezz tbc) on a total site area of 2.13 acres, with a 1.11 acre yard.
Available to let or purchase.
Rentals from £7.00 per square foot.
Warehouses to incorporate approximately 10% of office element.
Proposed development of employment units (B2, B8 and E), subject to planning.
Serviced plot sales available - subject to design brief.
Modern portal frame warehouse/employment / office / leisure / retail units proposed from 920 square metres (9,900 square feet) GIA approx. and upwards.
Turnkey leasehold or freehold design and build packages available.
Strategic employment location north of Formby Industrial Estate.
Development to provide up to 27,000 square metres (290,065 square feet) GIA approx. of employment floor space.
Estimated timing approximately 18-24 months from the grant of planning.