Two planning applications are approved which can be summarised as follows:-
Reference DC/2016/02476 - This provides for a new access road to be created off Hart Street and comprises of 13 dwellings to be constructed, 10 self-contained two bedroom flats within a separate three-storey block to the north of the site, 1 pair of four bedroom semi-detached dwellings in addition to a four bedroom three-storey detached house created onto the front of Hart Street.
Reference DC/2021/01451 - Is the conversion of an existing office block building to include the construction of a part first floor and a part two-storey extension to the side, involving alterations to the roof to form 8 one bedroom apartments in addition to the construction of a three detached 3 bed houses, i.e. 11 residential units in total. Copies of the various plans and details for these planning submissions are available on request.